Michael W Thomas

Michael is a well established authority on CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and Social CRM strategies and best practices. Michael is also known for his understanding of the Social and Mobile audience and how to engage this group on their terms.
Michael is Director of Social CRM Strategy with New Fire Social Media and Principal with Effective Engagements, a Social CRM Consultancy promotional company. His expertise in CRM and Social Media has given him great insights into Social CRM strategies and assisting companies extend their current CRM strategies to the Social CRM realm. He was named one of the Rockstars of Social CRM by the Social Media Listening Platform solutions Radian6 and serves on their Social CRM Leadership Council.
Michael serves as the National President and National Board member of the CRM Association, the Advisory Board of CRM and DW Experts; and on the Editorial Advisory Panel of Touch Briefings.
Michael served as a 2005-2008 Peppers and Rogers Group 1to1 Impact Awards Judge and a contributor/panelist on 1to1 Magazine’s “Taking Issue” column. He is also a frequent contributor to CXO Magazine as well as often quoted in several CRM and Customer Experience Management publications.
Michael received the CRM Magazine, 2004 Most Influential CRM Leaders Award and was co-host of the “Technology for Business Sake” radio/podcast program focusing on Social CRM strategies and Solutions.
Michael was invited by The Wharton School of business to present “Social Media meets CRM” to the BA and MBA Classes. He was also invited to be on a panel with noted Wharton marketing professors at the OfficeArrow/ Wharton Interactive Media Initiative B2B Social Commerce Summit.
Michael recently participated as a speaker and moderator at the CRM Magazine’s Social CRM Evolution Conference. He is also a frequent contributor of insight and quotes to CRM Magazine.
He has more than 20+ years of IT Solution Consulting experience working for companies like ADP, Oracle, PeopleSoft and Neighborhood America. You can follow his blog at www.mwthomasscrm.com.
Michael’s hometown is Marietta, GA and he attended Kennesaw State University. He currently lives in Roswell, GA with his wife and three children.